Second Surface Geochemical Target Identified Close to Telfer
Stock | Antipa Minerals Ltd (AZY.ASX) |
Release Time | 13 Dec 2024, 8:19 a.m. |
Price Sensitive | Yes |
Second Surface Geochemical Target Identified Close to Telfer
- A new, very large 3km long by up to 1.3km wide gold target identified 4km northeast of Telfer
- Favourable gold mineralisation anticlinal trap site situated on a northeast-trending structure
- Assay results confirm copper, nickel and cobalt mineralisation at the Paterson IGO Farm-in Project
Antipa Minerals Ltd has announced the identification of a second large surface geochemical gold and pathfinder anomaly, referred to as the Jezabeel anomaly, within its Wilki Farm-in Project. The Jezabeel anomaly is located just 4km northeast of Greatland Gold's Telfer gold-copper-silver mine. The anomaly is a very large 3km long by up to 1.3km wide target with a peak surface geochemical sample lag result of 0.21 g/t gold. Limited historic drilling has included intersections of up to 4m at 0.13 g/t gold. The anomaly is situated on a favourable gold mineralisation anticlinal trap site on a northeast-trending structure, which intersects Telfer and the previously identified Parklands target. The Wilki Project exploration programmes are fully funded and operated by Newmont.At the Paterson IGO Farm-in Project, assay results have been returned from the initial seven holes (2,608m) of maiden diamond core drilling. The results confirm the presence of copper, gold and mineral system pathfinders increasing toward the gravity high PP-GRAV01 target, with intersections of up to 0.66% copper and 0.07% cobalt, plus nickel, zinc and silver. The PP-GRAV02 target also remains untested around the contact with a mafic intrusive. The FY2025 exploration programme at both the Wilki and Paterson projects will be fully funded by Newmont and IGO respectively.
The FY2025 exploration programmes at both the Wilki and Paterson projects will be fully funded by Newmont and IGO respectively, and will focus on making greenfield discoveries in the style of Havieron, Winu and Telfer.